Safety First
Facilities & Compliance
Numolux Agriculture, a subsidiary of the Numolux Group, has successfully opened a state-of the art abattoir in Ceres, Western Cape, South Africa.
Our abattoir have been upgraded to utilize the latest innovation and technology, in order to stay updated and abreast of developments in the agricultural, and specifically the meat space.
We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to the compliance of our facilities and processes.

We facilitate continuous inspections by the relevant regulatory authorities, and conduct regular site and processing audits which all guarantee optimal hygiene and operating environments at all times. Our staff (who we consider our greatest asset) have exceptional work ethic and are constantly given training which further develops their skills within the abattoir environment.
Regulatory Framework
- Abattoir registration certificate
- Certificate for acceptability for food premises
- Islamic Council of South Africa (ICSA) Halaal
- Pest control compliance
- Food Safety Assessment (FSA)
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
- Hygiene Assessment System (HAS)
- ISO9001 :2015
- ISO 22000 :2018
- Export Certification(ZA 490)
- BLNS Certificate
- Water Purification
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Compliance National Environmental act 107 of 1999

Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedure documents (SOP’s)have been developed and these include:
- HMS Policy Statement; Documentation control procedure and templates; Procedure and approved laboratories for sampling program.
- Procedures for corrective action CAR checklist; Procedures for HAS & HAS templates.
- Procedures for traceability & recall including slaughter batch recording.
- Procedure for determining hazards.
- Procedure and Master Checklist for 14 HMP’s
- Ante-mortem, Slaughter and dressing
- Meat Inspection
- Personal Hygiene
- Fitness
- Sterilizers, Soaps, Toilet, Towels, Sanitation etc.